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Terms and Conditions - Wild Ways Travel
First of all, thank you for choosing our travel company! We will be directing you to this page when we are in the final stages of planning your trip. We are very excited to show you our little part of the world, but first we must ask you to read our painfully dry and boring legalese (we, too, would rather skip this and get to the good stuff, but, helas, the world is full of rules and regulations. Sigh.) We are more than happy to discuss any of this in more detail since we love happy collaborations!

Please read the following carefully since it might contain important information about the service(s) we’re providing you!  When you are done, check the box below stating that you understand and agree to these terms and leave your name and email. 1. Albanian Trip specializes in travel to Albania and the Balkans, destinations that may lack the standard level of facilities, service and development expected in other parts of Europe.  Despite this, we do our best to provide you with the utmost quality of services wherever we can (most of our guests have been pleasantly surprised!)

2.  We expect you to wire the amount of money agreed between us, in full, via bank transfer, online payment, PayPal, money transfer or any other means that we agree upon, 30 days prior to the starting date of our service (we accept VISA and Mastercard.)  Any or all expenses incurred through the money transfer process are also to be paid by you.  If you decide to make changes to your trip arrangements after the payment has been made in full, we can help with alternative solutions, but any extra costs incurred in making these changes will be paid by you (although we’ll do our best to prevent you from having to pay any pesky administration fees.)

3. A trip cancellation will need to be done as soon as possible and is effective as of the day we receive it in written form (email or letter.) We hope you understand that we incur substantial costs and losses with a cancellation and are thus forced to charge the following fees:
Up to 30 days prior to departure: your full deposit/payment will be returned
29 to 11 days: 50% will be returned
10 days or less: we will be keeping 100% of the deposit

4.  We are occasionally forced to make changes to the agenda and/or products and we reserve the right to make such changes.  In exceptional circumstances, we may have to modify our services after booking.  We will do our best to warn you in advance but we reserve the right not to pay a compensation for minor changes.  If the change is material we will try to offer you the opportunity to:
a.) Accept an alternative arrangement. 
b.) Cancel your services and be reimbursed according to arrangements.  
c.) Accept to pay no compensations in case the changes have been caused by force majeure.

*We understand that conditions are different during the COVID-19 crisis, and we may discuss more lenient cancellation policies with you.

Please note some other important terms as part of our Disclaimer:

  1. Assumption of Risk and our Liability Insurance. Customers must assume personal responsibility for their actions during the course of an activity/tour. While we will do our very best to assist you in a caring and professional matter, we are ultimately not responsible for personal injuries or illnesses; loss or damage to personal property; any issues that arise as a result of intoxication from drugs or alcohol; food-borne sicknesses; allergic reactions; changing environmental conditions; and self-inflicted accidents or mishaps of any kind. Albanian Trip is meanwhile covered by a Liability Insurance which fully covers any eventual risks that would come from local and personal events that occur to the company. Please find the updated copy of it here.
  2. Travel Insurance. We encourage our guests to get their own travel insurance before traveling. We are ultimately not responsible for providing travel insurance.
  3. Immunizations. We advise you to check with your country’s travel advisory health information to see about any recent warnings. While there are few reasons to worry in this part of the world, we are ultimately not responsible for advising on these issues.
  4. Emergency Contact/Documentation. We advise that you provide us with emergency contact information and a photocopy of your passport in case of any issues.
  5. Minors. We expect that parents or guardians accept legal responsibility for any participants they’ve brought who are under minority age. We are ultimately not responsible for minors.
  6. Consent to Photograph. We want to ask for your consent before we use any photographs or video footage of you on our social media pages or website. Please advise us if you are not comfortable with this and we will happily oblige!

Phew, that is done!

let’s stay in touch

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